We're gearing up for Let Love Fly, North Liberty's pride celebration from 11-3 on June 8, held in Centennial Park. Our group is planning a table again, and we need your help to make it fun and inclusive! Here are a couple ways to do that:
Donate to help the group buy pride and kindness stickers, flags, and other swag to spread love and unity. Scan the QR code below to donate or go to the following link: https://www.betterway4ward.org/donate.
Put the event on your calendar and help staff the Anti-Racism & Social Justice table during the day. Sign up here to serve a shift at the table!
Cheers, neighbors!
The Anti-Racism & Social Justice group in North Liberty, Iowa, is open to anyone living, working, learning, worshiping, or with a similar active investment in our city.
We envision North Liberty to be a community where every person thrives, belongs, and is celebrated.
Through collaboration and connection we:
Celebrate diversity
Advocate for our neighbors
Amplify voices
Open hearts to our common humanity
And cultivate a culture of kindness
Stay connected on Facebook, and reach the group admins by emailing arsjnorthliberty@gmail.com. Visit us online at www.arsjnl.org.